The decaying masterpiece of Ajanta Painting is the rich legacy of ancient Indian Art created by unknown artists & Buddhist monks across the 29 caves of Ajanta between 2nd century BC & 6 th century AD, seems unique in the World scenario.
Photography inside Ajanta Cave is restricted and cannot use flash or any other light source except natural lighting. In spite of such limitations captured a good set of pictures related to traditional paintings & murals from inside the caves at semi darkness.
The paintings are famous for their masterful work, use of natural pigments, artistry, and the harmony of the overall composition. Expressive images includes of Buddha, Boddhisatvas, narratives of life of Buddha, Jatakas, and Avadanas, ceiling decoration and decorative motifs. Wish to add more in future!
(The overall craft known to begin with a layer of clay was mixed with cow dung and powdered rice hunk and, it has been suggested, also urine. This was first applied to the chipped rock surface. When it dried, a second coat of lime plaster was applied with a towel. The lines of the image were then drawn in pink, brown or black, and the colors filled in with big brushes, made from the hair of squirrel tails. These base colors were made from pebbles and vegetables found on the nearby hillside which were crushed and ground and then mixed with glue and color variants. Including two pictures only and left for future considerations, source: Wikipedia)