The ‘Alcea’ is the genus name came from Greek word ‘altho’ means healing and commonly called ‘Hollyhock’ flower plant. It is an annual perennial flowering plant belongs to ‘Malvaceae’ mallow family while symbolises abundant of power and wealth. It grows tall from 4 to 7 ft, erected with no branches, hairy stem, lobed leaves and large showy flowers with elongated spikes include colours like pink, purple, white, yellow etc, also have wide medicinal property
Grow: It is better to sow seeds at the soil itself in the back of a garden landscape for their height of growth. However seedlings can be secured from nursery and planted at rich soil with drainage. It prefers full sun and routine care for smooth growing. Garden varieties can be commonly seen in dark scarlet and purple; however hybrid variety is available now a days
Scientific Classification: Kingdom – Plantae; Clade – Angiosperms, Eudicots, Rosids; Order – Malvales; Family – Malvaceae; Subfamily - Malvoideae; Tribe- Malveae; Genus – Alcea (Source- Wikipedia)- for correlation