A charming annual winter flowering plant popularly called ‘Love in a Mist’ belongs to ‘Ranunculaceae’ buttercup family and authenticated as ‘Nigella Damascena’.The genus name Nigella came from Latin word ‘niger’ means black, refers to its intense black seeds. The flowers said to symbolize the chains that binds people in love, with finely cut leaves and finely divided thread like bracts from the mist surrounding the blooms. Most often found in blue but also in white, pink etc is available; plant grows up to two feet.
Grow: The Love in the Mist plant best grows at pots placed under full sun exposure, mature fertile soil having well drainage, taking care of moderate watering to maintain moisture condition. Small seedlings when resourced from nursery utmost care should be given during transplant because they bear long taproots. As the plant establishes growing monitored by adding organic fertilizer and prevention by application of insecticides & fungicides as needful.
Scientific Classification: Kingdom - Plantae; Clade – Angiosperms, Eudicots; Order – Ranunculales; Family - Ranunculaceae; Genus – Nigella (Source – Wikipedia)… for correlation