It is an annual flowering plant with genus name ‘Osteospermum’ also known as African Daisies, Cape Daisy or Daisy bushes which belongs to ‘Asteraceae’ family. The scientific name came from Greek as well as Latin words ‘osteon’ & ‘spermum’ means ‘bone’ & ‘seed’, while flower symbolically represent innocence and purity in general. The hardy plant leaves are alternative, composite flowers have disc and ray florets with diverse colors like pink, purple, mauve, yellow, white etc
Grow: After having the seedlings from reliable source it is being placed on pots or prepared beds, filled with well drained rich soil. It prefers full sun and fertilization from time to time. Other preventive measures are usually followed as normal procedures. It’s hardy plant and finally shows profuse flowering on maturity, normally raise up to 3/4 ft height.
Scientific Classification: Kingdom - Plantae; Clade –Angiosperms, Eudicots, Asterales; Order – Asterales; Family – Asteraceae; Subfamily – Asteroideae; Tribe – Calenduleae; Genus – Osteospermum (Source – Wikipedia)… for correlation