A bushy and trailing winter plant which is ‘Tropaeolum’ by genus name, commonly called 'Nasturtium' from ‘Tropaeolaceae’ family. It represents victory in battle and conquest. Do comes at different colours like orange, yellow, red relate to bring joy of being energetic and creative by nature. The blooms look like an open funnel with little spurs on the side. It considered being safe for garnish or as an ingredient for leafy recipes
Grow: A favourite flower variety to be arranged for hanging as well as bed covers, bears silvery lobed leaves and a profusion of small flowers. Easy and quick growing from seeds at full to moderate sun light, general soil with drainage condition, requires low fertiliser, height from 6 to 12 inches. The round leaves are peppery taste and edible, a welcome addition to my garden every season
Scientific Classification: Kingdom – Plantae; Clade – Angiosperms, Eudicots, Rosids; Order – Brassicales; Family – Tropaeolaceae; Genus – Tropaeolum- (Source: Wikipedia) ...for correlation