A popular succulent shrub plant and common garden species is ‘Adenium Obesum’ with stems and stout, flowers are tuber with five petals, belongs to ‘Apocynaceae’ family. It’s also known as Desert rose, mock Azalea, Impala lily and symbolises to bring wealth while represent fertility and abundance. Flower blooms in pink, white, red, purple etc and have single, double and hybrid varieties with different combinations & shades according to species.
Grow: It requires rich soil and best suited in pots, also better to add perlite, coir and sand for moisture control. Adenium loves heat and over watering is avoided, can be grown as indoor and outdoor both, and favourites as bonsai. An evergreen permanent plant which adds beauty to a garden, shaped by cutting and pruning, the blooms are durable. Being propagated by cutting, grafting or even from seeds, beginners should source from nursery stock. Ensure regular mild fertilisation and preventive spray of fungicide and insecticides.
Scientific Classification: Kingdom - Plantae; Unranked – Angiosperms, Eudicots, Asterids; Order – Gentianales; Family – Apocynaceae; Subfamily - Apocynoideae Genus – Adenium (Source – Wikipedia)… for correlation