The binomial name is Euphorbia Milii, although known as ‘Milii’, the Crown of thorns or Chirst thorn, represented from ‘Euphorbiaceae’ spurge family, species name came after Baron Milius of France. This succulent shrub grows tall with spiny stems; symbol of good fortune, the flowers have two petals looks unique. The plant can be grown up to 5 ft, saps are mildly poisonous, small blooms are durable and available in different colours like red, pink, white, yellow etc.
Grow: It requires cutting from mother plant, otherwise source from nursery stock. A permanent plant often used as indoor ornamental species. Easy to grow at matured soil and prefer moderate watering even dry climate. Occasionally apply organic fertiliser and attractive flowers forms brackets comes out in winter and summer
Scientific Classification: Kingdom – Plantae; Clade – Angiosperms, Eudicots, Rosids; Order – Malpighiales; Family – Euphorbiaceae; Genus – Euphorbia- for correlation