The ‘Coleus’ is a foliage and ornamental plant of ‘Lamiaceae’ family, although not a flower but a favorite garden variety species recognized for its bright color foliage’s particularly during winter season. It’s annual and perennial plant with vibrant foliage and leafs in combination of different shades, patterns, shapes and sizes include solid color, splash, blotch, streak, fleck, margin and veins. Also color intensity varies and plant configured either as upright, rounded or trailing forms, generally in combination of red, green, yellow, pink, maroon colors etc
Grow: It's growing and caring is an easy task can be propagated from cuttings or from seeds, the attention required is known to a gardener. This plant suites along with winter variety flowers to beautify landscape covers, have flowers too in the form of spikes of small blooms. To maintain compact looks it is necessary to eliminate flower spikes, and pinch the shoots for good appearance. When left to flower the plant put effort to produce seeds.