The common ‘Sunflower’ although the caption name is the genus ‘Helianthus’ which is equally relevant, belongs to ‘Asteraceae’ family. Its annual large crop variety gives edible oil, while I am referring to garden varieties being an ornamental plant. Garden Sunflower have single daisy like flower heads at the top of the many stems. The name came from shape of the flower as resembles like sun, and turns its flowers as per moves of the sun on regular basis, blooms symbolizes loyalty and longevity and good as cut flower
Grow: Its hardy plant if compared with other species of summer variety, thus young plant resourced from nursery is relied upon, instead of sowing seeds. It depends on the variety you choose for your garden beds or pots. Now a day’s hybrid species are available for beautiful landscape. Easy growing when planted in prepared soil and exposure to sun light and proper drainage, becomes tall and coarse with bristle leaves, the durable blooms have bright yellow petals with brown centers of seeds head. Also red color can be seen, it thrive better in slightly acidic soil.
Scientific Classification: Kingdom: Plantae; Clade: Angiosperms, Eudiocots, Asterids; Order: Asterales; Family: Asteraceae; Genus: Helianthus (Source: Wikipedia) … for correlation