Watch the identity ...'Her Majesty' big Chrysanthemum from Asteraceae family. The name came from Greek prefix ‘Chrys’ (golden) and ‘anthemion ’ (flower) symbolizes happiness and optimism. Chrysanthemum used to create different size and shapes, forms and colors, single or multi blooms, disc or ray florets, tropical, cascade etc. The blooms are classified as various In-curves, Reflex, Pompom, Spoon, Spider, Exotic etc and see about 20 individual pictures of 2012 link to:
Grow: Basically which is difficult to come naturally but requires experience, skill, understanding and dedication. The ultimate fabrication of Chrysanthemum is a dear practice to grow exhibition variety beautiful flower forms by choice of pinching, disbudding and staking… It begins with soil preparation of at least three variants with different composition of fertilizers well in advance, small pot for hard up, then medium pot for growing and final potting for blooming under regulated environments and lights, protection from rain water
About: Scientific Classification:Kingdom – Plantae; Order – Asterales; Family – Asteraceae; Supertribe – Asterodae; Tribe – Anthemideae; Genus - Chrysanthemum (Source: Wikipedia) … for correlation