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Writer's pictureAtanu Chatterjee

Retributory 'Nemesia'

The exact name derived from Greek word 'Catchfly' probably for their nature of retribution response to insects by the flower. Also the goddess Nemesis of Greek means 'righteous retribution' although belongs to 'Scrophulariaceae' family. It is not a popular winter variety but preferred at beds because of low height and profuse blooms with variety of colors, having delightful fragrance

Grow: Nemesia is a small bedding plant used as edging plants, ground covers, in mixed borders either at pots or hanging baskets. Most varieties grow to about a foot in height, but there are some that get as tall as two feet. These versatile little plants offer a wide range of flower colors, and some come in bi-colors. The flowers are two-lipped, with the upper lip consisting of four lobes and the lower lip two lobes. The half-inch flowers bloom in purple, pink, blue and white on plants with a spread of about a foot, easy growing with little care.

Scientific Classification: Kingdom: Plantae; Unranked: Angiosperms, Eudicots, Asterids; Order: Lamiles; Family: Scrophulariaceae; Tribe: Hemimerideae; Genus: Nemesia (Source- Wikipedia)… for correlation

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