Most popular, bright and favorite winter variety flower ‘Pansy’ from ‘Violaceae’ family. Although the hybrid variety recognized by its unique colorful appearance. The name came from ‘pensie’ a French word, means ‘thought’; the flower leaves are oval or heart shaped, petals overlapping with face look, single or bi-colors, flower symbolizes love and admiration
The natural and original growing experience has been posted in 2012 at my blog link:
Grow: It is one of the prime winter varieties (majestic giant) by cost in comparison to any other species. Usually grown from seedlings obtain from nursery on prepared soil, supported with organic manure and adding balance nutrition from time to time, exposure to sun light, cool temperature but it is sensitive to heat and humidity. At every stages protective spraying of fungicides, peptic-ides & insecticides are necessary. The height of the plant is about 6-9 inches and spread 7-12 inches having wide range of colors well at pot as well as at beds. The flowers of pansies is edible, has fragrances too
Scientific Classification: Kingdom – Plantae; Order – Malpighiales; Family –Violaceae; Genus –Viola; Species –Tricolor (Source – Wikipedia) …for correlation